Teaching & Sermons with Ines Franklin
Ines Franklin is passionate about teaching God's word and helping Christians mature in their faith. Here you'll find recordings of her sermons at Mariners Church and lessons for www.trochia.org. She shares vulnerably from her own life journey to emphasize the importance of strengthening our relationship with Jesus and trusting the Bible as our compass for life. Learn more about her upcoming work at www.inesfranklin.com
156 episodes
Letting God Lead
It is easy to be anxious in times of uncertainty. What does it look like when we let God be our guide?

The True Vine
When Jesus says that he is the "True vine.." he is comparing himself to the failures of man- but unlike man- He is always fruitful... What does this mean for us?

The Way, The Truth, The Life
"The Way, The Truth, The Life" is one of the most powerful statements from Jesus. It is often regarded as a statement of exclusivity, but what is the real message?

The Bread of Life
God wishes to nourish our lives since we hunger to be fulfilled. What does satisfying this hunger look like when we walk with Him?

King of Kings
Passover is an important part of biblical history for God's chosen people- it was also a reminder to the world the God's power was greater than the power of any king or idol.

Secure In Christ
Sometimes the things we count on as being secure fail- however, the security we have in Christ is unfailing

Child of God
We welcome babies with great anticipation, just like how God welcomes children reborn in His name. What does it mean to be a child of God?Adoption video link: https://www.youtube.com...

Led by the Spirit
Those who live by the holy spirit have their mind on things of the spirit. How do we get directions from the spirit of Christ?

Love is Kind
We don't need convincing that kindness is good, but how do we find kindness that is consistent?

Love is Patient
Love is essential for our well-being- how do we have an understanding of love through the eyes of God?

Life on Mission
We know that we can achieve who God wants us to be by living in community and now we can focus on joining Christ in life on mission. How do we focus on serving those outside our community?MLK Video link:

Life In Community
We have learned that we are supposed to grow in our walk with God, but we aren't meant to do it alone. What does it mean to do life together in community?

Beholding Him
We have a natural desire for growth- to improve ourselves. Though there are many directions that the world gives on how to satisfy this desire, we can look to scripture for the true answer

Mighty God
God has many titles- "Wonderful Counselor" "Everlasting Father". We can learn more about God by understanding His titles. What does "Mighty God" mean for us?

Never Again
The salvation of Christ allows us to start over when we have fallen- how do we keep ourselves from falling again?

Starting Over
We all face temptation at one point or another. We look at the story of David's fall to learn of the damage so that we can choose a different path.

For the Joy of It
We want a fruitful life that has purpose. How do we find joy in the purpose of God's plan for us?

Soul Garden
In the parable of sowing seeds- the "seed" is the word of God. How do we make it so that the soil of our hearts is fruitful?

Rahab, The Faith Walker
We all need hope and encouragement- inspiring stories of faith can give them to us

Where Wisdom Is Found
What is knowledge without wisdom? -Where do we find it?Link to Relevant Clip Referenced in the Sermon:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_akwHYMdbsM

The Promised Life
Change is a mixed bag- How are we supposed to walk with God during uncertain times?